Frequently Asked General Questions

  1. What is MathEdge?
  2. What is MathEdge’s teaching method/philosophy?
  3. What classes or programs does MathEdge offer?
  4. What makes MathEdge different from other math programs (i.e. Kumon, Mathnasium, etc.)?
  5. What do you mean by “problem solving?” How does that differ from what my child is learning in school?
  6. How can MathEdge help my child, especially if he or she is already good at math?
  7. How long have you been in business?
  8. Where are you located?

Q: What is MathEdge?

A: MathEdge is an educational program focusing on the problem-solving skills that lead students to success in both academics and the real world. It taps into intellectual curiosity and helps foster the mathematic potential of your child.

More importantly, though, MathEdge gives students confidence and the skills to tackle any type of problem, academic or otherwise. Problem solving is what math is all about. As students discover how to solve problems they previously thought were impossible, they will apply the same calm thought process to all of life’s problems!

Q2: What is MathEdge’s teaching method/philosophy?

 A: MathEdge was created to teach students to apply problem-solving skills to mathematics. Our technique focuses on the logical reasoning that occurs when solving a problem. At MathEdge, we value the approach much more than the specific answer. We encourage students to articulate how they arrived at their solutions in an interactive classroom environment. Our instructors are able to identify students’ missteps in their logic and teach them to understand and overcome them.  

The classes at MathEdge are interactive and dynamic. We not only introduce problem-solving strategies and present challenges to students, but also emphasize having fun while learning. In problem solving, there is no definitive method to reaching an answer. MathEdge recognizes that each student tends to have his or her own approach to a problem because of a unique academic background or perspective. However, certain approaches are more efficient in reaching an answer as a result of better problem-solving skills. When a complicated problem is presented, students are taught to dissect or reinterpret it for easier analysis. No matter how complex the problem appears, they are trained to learn how to understand it, whether by asking questions or looking for information; thus, they learn to tackle difficult problems without quitting.

Students learn best by working through problems, articulating their thought processes, and thereby learning and discovering better reasoning skills. In this way, they learn knowledge that stays with them for a lifetime.

Q3: What classes or programs does MathEdge offer?

 A: We have classes, training, and programs for K-12 students in math and writing. In our MathEdge+ program, we focus on teaching advanced math students the entire problem-solving process and provide instruction with reading comprehension and logical thinking in preparation for solving real-life problems. We also offer training classes to prepare for well-known math competitions such as the American Mathematics Competitions (AMC), MathCounts, Math Olympiads, and the Primary Mathematics World Contest (PMWC). Please see our program pages (Math+, English+, Code+, Other+) for more information on the other math classes MathEdge offers.

 Our Writing+ program (introduced in Fall 2010) teaches students the traits of good writing based on a 6-point rubric. As with our MathEdge+ program, we also help them improve their reading comprehension and logical thinking so they can organize and present their ideas more clearly and effectively. Our writing classes aim to help students develop good vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and proofreading habits. Our goal is to have students enjoy writing and become more rounded in their academic performance.

Q4: What makes MathEdge different from other math programs (i.e. Kumon, Mathnasium, etc.)?

A: We primarily teach problem solving and competitive mathematics instead of focusing on rote memorization. Unlike many other math programs, MathEdge classes are taught in a classroom setting with relatively small class sizes. Our students are already advanced in math, and we have instructors who are capable of teaching at such a high level and demanding more from our students—just like a coach in any competitive sport or event. MathEdge also trains students to compete in math contests at the national and international levels. While it is difficult to win at such large-scale competitions, MathEdge students have succeeded time and time again at placing very highly in these competitions.

Q5: What do you mean by “problem solving?” How does that differ from what my child is learning in school?

 A: Unlike computational mathematics, problem-solving mathematics cannot be sufficiently solved with simple rote calculations. Problem solving deals with solving word problems by creatively applying math in different ways. Word problems describe challenges, facts, and relationships and are examples of how to use math to solve real life problems. Solving word problems can be like solving puzzle games—challenging and fun at the same time. Being able to solve them can be a very fulfilling experience. When a student has found the correct answer, however, we do not stop there.  

 While schools may teach some problem solving, MathEdge emphasizes it. Our math courses cover how to approach solving problems, possible problem solving strategies, and the supporting mathematical concepts. Getting the right answer is only of secondary importance. The primary goal is to understand and apply the methods. Therefore, writing or articulating how to get the answer is more important than getting the correct answer. MathEdge+ students are required to be able to clearly communicate their thinking process and how they reached their answers.

Q6: How can MathEdge help my child, especially if he or she is already good at math?

A: We have our prospective students take chapter and concept assessment tests and then place them according to their assessment grade and ability. We provide structured classes during the regular school year that teach children how to critically read a problem, solve it, and communicate what the problem is and how its solution works. We also have summer sessions where our curriculum is based on the individual child’s needs and is focused on improving a student’s area(s) of weakness. In short, our curriculum goes beyond simply learning formulas or finding answers to math problems. We emphasize the problem-solving process, which can be used in other areas besides math. MathEdge can also help your child improve his or her confidence by giving them the skills to solve problems correctly and the chance to participate in individual and team contests.

Q7: How long have you been in business?

 A: MathEdge has been in business since 2003.

Q8: Where are you located?

 A: MathEdge has centers and holds classes in Cupertino, Fremont, Palo Alto, Dublin, and Milpitas. Please see our Locations page to find the address and contact information for the site closest to you.